/Why film your sessions?
Recently, I started recording my sessions and uploading them to my YouTube channel.
I don’t have a ready-made audience to view these, the videos take hours to edit down and upload and I don’t receive anything for doing so, so you’d be well within your rights to ask “why?”
There are a few reasons.
- Recording my sessions allows me to review how I coach. Being able to sit back after the session and observe my own performance allows me to better understand what I do well and where I can improve. Is my communication clear and concise? Are the practices I put on actual benefitting the goalkeepers? Do the ‘keepers seem to be understanding what I’m telling them? These are all questions that I ask myself and, by recording the session, am able to (hopefully) answer and make any adjustments moving forward.
- It lets the ‘keepers review their own performance too. As a goalkeeper, particularly at amateur or youth level, it can be difficult to obtain any video of your match or training performances, which can make it tricky to assess your performance once the game or session is over. Having these sessions recorded means that the goalkeepers I work with can look back and critique their technique or, at the very least, gain an insight into how they play from a different perspective, which can be beneficial to their development.
- It might help other new coaches. I’m still very new to the world of coaching. Official education routes are, quite frankly, off limits to most grassroots coaches, so how do you learn? For me, it’s been a case of learning what I can from online resources, watching and observing established coaches and getting out there on the grass to try and put it all into practice. I don’t claim to be doing things the “right” way, but if just one coach views my sessions and picks anything useful up from it to help their own development, then that’s enough for me.
So yes, it’s extra work, but there is something in it, most definitely for me but hopefully for others too.
Feel free to check out the videos, if you like: