Goalkeeper Coaching Sessions Collection (2023)



The eight sessions contained in this 50-page file have all been deployed and used with multiple different groups of goalkeepers at different levels of the game, including both junior and senior grassroots and semi-professional players.

They are designed to work for sessions taking between 30-60 minutes and with amply scope for progression and adjustment as required.

All sessions can be conducted, with minor adjustments sometimes necessary, with groups of as little as two and as many as five. Where possible, the coach can also look to step out of being actively engaged in service to give them a better opportunity to observe the session and inform participants accordingly.

Each practice features serves a purpose with some focusing specifically on certain techniques or skills and others allowing goalkeepers to explore scenarios in more match-realistic situations to better understand their natural instincts and reactions.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this document, please don’t hesitate to reach out on Twitter @MOGoalkeeping or via my website at mogoalkeeping.co.uk.