2021-22 Season Review

As a coach, self-analysis is important. Most coaches review their performance after every session, which is something that I’ve really tried to focus on these past few months and that I’d like to build on by reviewing my 2021-22 season as a whole.

I only started coaching around 18 months ago, toward the end of 2020 and have learnt so much since. I was lucky enough to find a local club in Cockfield who have supported me, both in terms of giving me the opportunity to work with their goalkeepers and by funding my FA Level 1 course, which has allowed me to grow to a point where I have now taken on a number of “private” coaching clients.

This season I have delivered regular weekly sessions with the Cockfield ‘keepers (something COVID prevented last year) whilst also providing my own one-to-one and small group sessions with a number of local goalkeepers.

Session planning

When I first started coaching I had to “borrow” everything I was using from other more established coaches. Whether this was from those that I was directly observing, or from scouring YouTube for specific session plans, I would construct my practices using other people’s sessions.

Now to be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, as the FA educators regularly reminded us during my Level 1 course; “the best coaches are thieves” and utilising tried and tested techniques and drills is a fantastic way to construct a useful session.

With time though, and particularly over the last two or three months, I’ve found myself more able to prepare my own detailed session plans in advance, drawing on previous practices as well as knowing what each specific goalkeeper I work with wants to and needs to concentrate on.

Not only that, but I’ve also noticed myself better able to adapt my sessions mid-flow, changing parts that perhaps aren’t working as well as I had hoped and adding in evolutions of particular items where I’ve felt that there is room to explore something more within a topic.

This is something that I will continue to focus on doing, especially now I am working with a greater number of goalkeepers, all at different stages of their respective careers and all with their own unique needs and requirements.

Tools & resources

The biggest tool that I’ve recently found is to film my own sessions. Far from being some sort of narcissistic pursuit, what this has allowed me to do primarily is to assess my own performance in my sessions and make adjustments in future to provide a better, more rounded service to the goalkeepers I’m working with.

In practice, this has been things like:

  • Giving ‘keepers the chance to explain their decision process behind a save or piece of play to allow them to learn from their mistakes
  • Identifying over-praising of basic techniques like catching a volley to hands, which has the potential to dilute well earned praise when something more worthy happens.
  • Determining when to step in and address an issue and when to allow things to play out and give the players an opportunity to address it themselves

All my recorded sessions are added to YouTube as well in the hope that the ‘keepers themselves can view and review their performances and perhaps that other coaches may be able to take something from sessions and utilise it themselves.

FA education

I had made it my aim this year to further my education by undertaking additional Football Association courses. Unfortunately, restructuring within the FA has seen the traditional Level 2 and Level 1 Goalkeeping courses disappear, with the former being replaced by the new UEFA C course and the latter still not officially released.

The UEFA C course is clearly aimed at coaches working in a professional or semi-professional environment, as the £500 price tag puts it firmly out of the reach of grassroots coaches like myself. Likewise, and although no details have yet been confirmed, it is expected that the “introductory” goalkeeper-specialised course will feature the UEFA C as a pre-requisite for entry, meaning that it is again no longer viable for many coaches.

In all likelihood then, this will spell the end of my education journey with the English FA, though I am currently looking into the possibility of exploring the Scottish FA coaching services, which are more accessible and affordable to the masses.


Whilst the club season is over, I’m continuing my private sessions right through the summer, working with a number of hungry young goalkeepers to keep them sharp and ready for action before pre-season. I’m excited about delivering these sessions and keen to continue to build on what I’ve learnt so far to allow me to deliver the absolute best sessions I can for them moving forwards.

I’m also excited to be continuing to work with Cockfield United next season and can’t wait for pre-season training to get underway in July.

Finally, I wanted to say thanks to all those who’ve helped me this season. Tom at Cockfield for giving me the continued opportunity to work in a fantastic club environment, the GKN WhatsApp group for giving me direct access to a host of really top goalkeepers coaches and their knowledge and experience and to the Modern Day GK guys and the wider Twitter goalkeeping community for providing help and support wherever needed. Also a massive shout-out to my wife Hannah who continues to support me in this little pursuit of mine!

Onwards we go!