/The long-awaited return
So Boris has finally given us a date to aim for with regards to the return of organised team sports – fantastic news.
The 9th of December last year was the last time I stepped onto a football pitch for coaching, 76 long days ago, and boy have I missed it.
That’s not to say I havne’t filled my time with other interests, I’ve rediscovered my love of running since then and recently tried my hand at skipping (or “jump rope” as the Americans say). Nothing compares to being involved in goalkeeping though – whether that’s playing, coaching or just watching, nothing comes close.
So hopefully, by the end of next month, we’ll be back out there ready and raring to go – I just hope that the people of the UK are sensible over the next few weeks and that the date doesn’t end up getting pushed back. With any luck I’ll be able to get myself booked onto some FA coaching courses shortly afterwards too, something else that has been a long time coming.
Call me keen, but I’ve already dusted off the Copa’s, PRO-GKs and the notepad. Roll on March 29th.